A Question of Balance — 1
A Question of Balance:
Are Google News search results politically biased?
By Eric Ulken
USC Annenberg School for Communication
May 5, 2005
A Question of Balance — 2
This study examines search results from the popular online news portal Google News in
an effort to determine whether they are politically biased. By analyzing the content of
third-party articles returned in a search on a political candidate (“George W. Bush,” for
example), it is possible to assess the level of bias in the search results. Articles returned
in searches on the two leading presidential candidates in the weeks before the 2004
election were collected, and a random sample of the highest-ranking results was analyzed
for favorability to each candidate. Results from the same searches on Yahoo News were
used as a benchmark for comparison. The data show that articles returned in Google
News searches are significantly more likely to have a political bias than those returned in
searches on Yahoo News, but there is no evidence of an overall conservative bias in
search results on Google News, as has been suggested.
A Question of Balance — 3
A Question of Balance: Are Google News search results politically biased?
As online news has grown in popularity, a number of sites have sprung up to
catalog the wealth of news content available on the Internet. These so-called news portals
include Google News, Yahoo News, Topix.net and MSNBC’s Newsbot. Through an
automated process known as “spidering” or “crawling,” these aggregators index the
content of selected news sources and allow users to browse and search recent news
stories, usually linking to the source of the article for the full text.
Google News, launched in 2001 but still in the “beta-testing” phase, has become
one of the Internet’s most popular news portals, drawing about 5.9 million visitors a
month (Gaither, 2005). It indexes the top stories on some 4,500 English-language news
sites, updating its index roughly every 15 minutes (Google, 2004). Google’s innovative
method of identifying top stories based on how frequently they appear on sites in its
index – and doing so entirely without human intervention – has made the site a target of
criticism since its inception. The efficiency with which Google News is able to
automatically determine relative importance of stories and present a “front page” with top
stories in different subject areas has been seen by some as the first ominous sign that
computers will eventually make human editors obsolete. At the same time, users have
ridiculed flaws in Google News’s algorithms that cause it to occasionally attach a photo
A Question of Balance — 4
to an unrelated article or elevate a relatively minor story to a prominent spot on its front
Google News front page Yahoo News front page
Google does not share the list of sources it crawls, but searches often reveal
results from relatively obscure online-only news sites – including some that are best
described as weblogs – leading to questions about Google News’s criteria for inclusion
and the notion that there might be some political imbalance in the sites it crawls. Google
has taken a lot of criticism recently for the quality of news content in its index. Earlier
this year, it removed from its index several sites, including the white supremacist journal
National Vanguard, after users complained that hate speech was turning up in searches.
Practices at Google News have come under additional scrutiny since March, when
Agence France-Presse filed a lawsuit alleging that Google infringed its copyright by
displaying AFP material on Google News pages. The Associated Press has also
expressed “concern” about Google’s use of its material without payment (Gaither, 2005).
Janice Castro, director of graduate programs at Northwestern University’s Medill
School of Journalism and one of the founders of the Online News Association, told
CNET News.com the problem with Google News is that it gives users no way of
A Question of Balance — 5
evaluating the quality of news sources (Olsen, 2005). “The best is mixed up with things
that are far from the best,” Castro said.
Web journalism pioneer J.D. Lasica was among the first to suggest a conservative
bias in Google News (2004). “What’s going on?” he wrote in an article for Online
Journalism Review as the 2004 presidential race was heating up. “Have Google’s search
results been hijacked by Fox News?” Lasica cited several stories from “second-tier”
online-only news and commentary sites in a search on the words “John Kerry.” The
headlines returned included the following:
“John Kerry Said ‘Bring It On,’ Now Whines To Bush To Stop The Ads”
“The Imploding John Kerry”
“Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Expose John Kerry’s Lies”
“John Kerry is Definitely ‘Unfit for Command’”
Political bias in news coverage has been the topic of numerous academic studies,
most of which have themselves been subjected to charges of bias. Bias is practically
impossible to quantify absolutely, but it can be measured in relative terms. One of the
most widely cited and controversial recent studies attempts to do just that. Groseclose
and Milyo (2003) assess bias among major news outlets – including The New York Times,
USA Today and Fox News’ “Special Report” – by looking at how often they cite certain
politically active “think tanks” and comparing this with how frequently members of
Congress cite the same sources in floor speeches. The authors’ assumption is that
conservatively biased news organizations, say, will cite a certain think tank with the same
frequency as a conservative member of Congress. The study’s conclusion is that the
mainstream media have an overwhelming liberal bias and the most unbiased news source
A Question of Balance — 6
is Fox News’ “Special Report.” This finding was met with as much outrage as praise
when the study first made the rounds of politically oriented weblogs (Dallas, 2004;
Tabarrok, 2004) – proof that bias is always relative to the observer.
This study attempts to scientifically test Lasica’s casual observation of bias in
articles linked from Google News. Unlike the Groseclose/Milyo study, it does not have
the benefit of an independent benchmark for comparison. Instead, it compares Google
News with a more established competitor, Yahoo News, in an attempt to determine
relative bias. The study looks at balance within stories as an indicator of bias. A
balanced article will presumably have roughly as many favorable references to the search
term (i.e., the candidate) as it has unfavorable ones. Given what Lasica and others have
reported about Google News search results, the goal of this study is to prove or disprove
quantitatively the assertion that Google News displays a conservative bias.
The research question and hypothesis are as follows:
RQ1: Are Google News search results politically biased?
H1: Results of Google News searches on the two major-party presidential
candidates will reveal a conservative bias.
The research hypothesis is tested by means of a quantitative text analysis of
articles returned in Google News and Yahoo News search results.
This study analyzes articles returned in searches on the full names of the two
major-party presidential candidates (“George W. Bush” and “John Kerry”) in the weeks
A Question of Balance — 7
leading up to the 2004 election in order to determine a bias score for each article and,
ultimately, to quantify the overall bias of the search results.
Data acquisition
Since the news search engines update their indexes frequently over the course of a
day, the results for a particular search term can change from one minute to the next. A
data acquisition scheme was devised that respects the dynamic nature of the search
results. A computer program was written to retrieve the first 10 articles returned by
Google News and Yahoo News for each search term (“George W. Bush” and “John
Kerry”) at four-hour intervals and save them.
Google News search results Yahoo News search results
The program was run for the period of Oct. 17-30, 2004, the two weeks preceding
the Nov. 2 presidential election, resulting in a total of 80 “snapshots.” Each snapshot
contained four sets of search results: “George W. Bush” on Google News, “George W.
Bush” on Yahoo News, “John Kerry” on Google News and “John Kerry” on Yahoo
News. The program also downloaded the full text of the first 10 articles returned in each
result list.
A Question of Balance — 8
Sampling scheme
Taking the top 10 articles in each list would yield 3,200 texts. A more
manageable sample of 100 was selected for analysis. In order to generate a
representative sample, a two-stage sampling process was devised that divided the data
collection period into five sequential periods of equal length and then randomly selected
one snapshot from each period. The stratified selection provided for a sample that was
spread fairly evenly over the two weeks, so that a single news event would be unlikely to
dominate the sample. The random selection stage ensured that the final five snapshots
represented a variety of dayparts and days of the week.
The following snapshots were selected:
Monday, Oct. 18, 2004, midnight
Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004, 8 a.m.
Monday, Oct. 25, 2004, midnight
Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004, 4 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 30, 2004, 8 a.m.
For each snapshot, the first five articles from each of the four result lists were
selected for analysis, ensuring an equal number of Bush and Kerry results and an equal
number of Google News and Yahoo News results. In a couple of cases, the complete text
of an article was behind a paid subscription wall. Where possible, a shortened free
version was used; otherwise the article was skipped and the next highest-ranked article
was used instead.
A Question of Balance — 9
Units of observation
The articles were subdivided by sentence – with a sentence representing a single
unit of observation. The decision was made to use sentences, rather than propositions, as
the units of observation for two reasons:
The texts can be parsed into sentences with minimal work, an important
consideration given the volume of the data.
Propositions – that is, groups of words expressing a distinct idea, whether as a
phrase, a sentence or multiple sentences – must be manually identified and
parsed by coders. This introduces the problem of unitizing reliability.
Because a number of the texts were extremely long, only the first 25 sentences of
each article were coded. It was assumed that an article’s overall bias would be apparent
within the first 25 sentences. The results section offers data that support this assumption.
Overall, 1,587 sentences were coded.
Coding scheme
Each sentence could be coded in one of five ways:
1. Unfavorable to Kerry
2. Favorable to Kerry
3. Neutral
4. Unfavorable to Bush
5. Favorable to Bush
A coding manual was created to guide coders in the process of evaluating units.
(See Appendix A for the full coding manual.) Because the coding scheme involves
A Question of Balance — 10
assessing latent meanings of sentences – and the terms “favorable” and “unfavorable” are
imprecise – the most important purpose of the coding manual is to define these terms and
specify how to apply them. The basic coding rules used are as follows:
A unit (sentence) can only be coded as favorable or unfavorable if it contains
an unambiguous message that, taken independently of other units, is favorable
to one candidate or the other. Otherwise it must be coded neutral.
If a unit contains both favorable and unfavorable references to the same
candidate, or it contains only favorable or unfavorable references to both
candidates, it should be coded neutral.
If a unit contains one or more favorable references to one candidate and one or
more unfavorable references to the other candidate, only the first reference in
the sentence should be considered in coding.
If there is uncertainty about how different people might interpret a unit, it
should be coded neutral.
For purposes of assessing favorability, direct quotations and other attributed
statements are treated no differently from statements made by the article’s author, since
the choice of one particular quote over another can also represent bias. For example, the
sentence, “Democrats accused Bush of misleading the nation about the justification for
war in Iraq,” would be coded as unfavorable to the president.
The coding scheme attempts to make the rating process as objective as possible.
However, coders’ personal biases could affect how they evaluate elements of the texts.
While it is true that such coder subjectivity may skew balance scores of individual
A Question of Balance — 11
articles in one direction or another, it is still possible to compare average scores for
Google News and Yahoo News and thus assess bias of one site relative to the other.
Coding procedure
Two coders were used in this study. A primary coder – the author of the study –
analyzed all 100 texts. A second coder – also a graduate student in communication with
experience in content analysis – analyzed 28 of the texts, selected at random, for the
purpose of assessing the validity of the coding scheme and the reliability of the primary
coder. Articles were assigned to coders in random order using a computer-based coding
system. The coders had no knowledge of whether a particular article came via Google
News or Yahoo News (or which search term returned it). Coders were given only the
headline and the name of the source organization for each article. The coders were
trained and the coding scheme was initially tested using sample texts from articles not
included in the actual sample.
In addition to coding each sentence, coders were asked to assess the overall
favorability of the article in the form of two variables, each with five possible values:
Overall favorability to Bush: highly favorable, favorable, neutral, unfavorable,
highly unfavorable
Overall favorability to Kerry: highly favorable, favorable, neutral,
unfavorable, highly unfavorable
These overall favorability scores were intended only for the purpose of validating
the unit-by-unit coding scheme and ultimately were discarded.
A Question of Balance — 12
Intercoder reliability
Intercoder reliability is assessed on two levels: by sentence (the unit of
observation) and by article (the unit of analysis).
At the sentence level, Cohen’s kappa, a measure of agreement between coders on
nominative variables, is computed as 0.72 – just above the 70% threshold considered an
acceptable level of agreement. When intercoder reliability is tested at the article level,
the agreement between the two coders is closer. Because the favorability scores
computed for each article are ratio measurements, the two coders’ scores are fit against
each other, with the r-square statistic used to express intercoder reliability. Values of r-
square for the Kerry favorability and Bush favorability variables are 0.94 and 0.90,
respectively – indicating a relatively high level of agreement between the coders.
When computing reliability using such a small number of measurements (only 28
articles were coded by both coders), a single outlying value can greatly affect the
outcome. It was necessary to omit one such outlier from consideration in computing
agreement on the Kerry favorability score. The offending score was for an article that
contained only one sentence, which one coder deemed favorable to Kerry and the other
coder recorded as neutral. As a result, the article took a Kerry favorability score of 1 from
one coder and 0 from the other. This greatly affected the reliability calculation, causing r-
square to plummet to 0.57. The article was excluded from the data analysis, which is
why the data show one article fewer for Yahoo News than for Google News.
Using the values for each sentence, two scores are calculated for each article,
A Question of Balance — 13
measuring the degree of the article’s overall favorability to each candidate. Bush and
Kerry favorability scores for each article are computed using the following formula:
favorability score = (sum of favorable units) – (sum of unfavorable units)
(total units coded)
Favorability scores can thus take values of –1 (completely unfavorable) to 1
(completely favorable), with 0 being neutral. For instance, a Kerry favorability score of
–0.3 for an article would indicate that, on balance, 30% the content of an article is
unfavorable to John Kerry (the actual proportion of unfavorable units might be 35% but
offset by 5% of units coded as favorable to Kerry). Because even the most biased articles
contain a lot of neutral (or irrelevant) content, the scores tend be closer to 0 than to either
Two scatterplots – one for Google News and the other for Yahoo News – provide
a basic summary of the data. They show the two candidates’ favorability scores for each
article, plotted against each other. This facilitates comparison of the overall favorability
of the two portals’ search results.
Favorability plots by search engine
Kerry favorability
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1
Bush favorability
Google News
Kerry favorability
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1
Bush favorability
Yahoo News
A Question of Balance — 14
Each data point represents an article, and its placement on the chart represents its
favorability to the two candidates:
Upper left quadrant: Article is favorable to Kerry and unfavorable to Bush
Upper right quadrant: Article is favorable to both
Lower right quadrant: Article is favorable to Bush and unfavorable to Kerry
Lower left quadrant: Article is unfavorable to both
In other words, articles in the upper right and lower left are more balanced than
those in the upper left and lower right. Articles closer to the center are more neutral. The
circular boundary is a density ellipse drawn around 90% of the data points, which makes
it easier to see patterns in the data. One fact that is not apparent in the scatterplots is that
a large number of data points are at the coordinates (0, 0). This is because many of the
articles –!22% for Google News and 45% for Yahoo News – exhibited no bias at all,
either because they discussed both candidates with complete neutrality or because they
were not relevant to either candidate. A glance at the two plots reveals what can be seen
empirically in the search results from the two sites: Articles returned in the searches
using Google News are more likely to be biased in favor of one candidate and against the
other, while those that turn up in the Yahoo News searches are generally more balanced.
In order to illustrate article bias in one dimension, a measurement that takes into
account favorability ratings for both candidates is needed. Two related scores are devised
for this purpose. The first, the article balance score, shows the degree to which articles
favor one candidate over the other. It is computed using a simple formula:
balance score = kerry favorability – bush favorability
A Question of Balance — 15
An article’s balance score takes a value between –1 and 1, with positive numbers
indicating greater favorability to Kerry and negative numbers indicating greater
favorability to Bush. Articles with balance scores of 0 are equally favorable (or
unfavorable) to both candidates.
Article balance scores by search engine
Balance score
Google Yahoo
Search engine
By taking the average balance scores for articles returned by Google News and
Yahoo News, each search engine’s overall bias can be determined. A balance score that
favors Bush is presumed to show a conservative bias, while one that favors Kerry would
indicate a liberal bias. The average balance scores for both Google News and Yahoo
News are not significantly different from 0, indicating an absence of overall bias in the
search results for both sites. Thus, while the data do show bias in many of the articles
returned by Google News, there is no evidence of an overall conservative (or liberal)
slant to the site’s search results, as has been alleged.
The second measurement, the article bias score, is simply the absolute value of
the balance score. It takes a value between 0 and 1 and represents the proportion of an
article that is biased, regardless of the direction of bias. For example, an article in which
A Question of Balance — 16
half the sentences are coded as favorable to Kerry and the other half as unfavorable to
Bush would have a bias score of 1, meaning 100% of the article is biased. In fact, bias
scores tend to be closer to 0, though one article returned by Google News had a bias score
of 0.92. The mean article bias score for each search engine describes the degree to which
the average article returned by that search engine is likely to be biased.
Article bias scores by search engine
Bias score
Google Yahoo
Search engine
As seen in the plot above, the articles returned by Google News have a higher
mean bias score than those returned by Yahoo News (0.23 compared with 0.13, a
statistically significant difference). This means that a search on Google News is likely to
turn up articles that are more biased than those returned by its competitor.
Besides being coded for favorability, articles were also classified by whether they
came from an independent, online-only source (such as Salon.com) or a website affiliated
with a traditional news source. A traditional news source is defined as a wire service,
newspaper, magazine, TV station, radio station, broadcast network or cable network.
(Content from one of these sources that is syndicated on a news aggregator such as
Yahoo News is also classified as traditional.) Of the articles returned by Google News,
40% were from non-traditional news sources, while only 24% of the Yahoo News results
A Question of Balance — 17
came from non-traditional sources. (See Appendix B for a list of the sources of all the
articles coded.) Notably, almost all of the bias in Google News’s search results can be
attributed to its use of non-traditional sources. In other words, when articles from non-
traditional sources are left out of the calculation, the average bias scores for Google News
and Yahoo News are virtually identical.
Finally, articles that exceeded the 25-sentence length limit for coding tended to be
scored as slightly more biased than shorter articles, on average. A possible explanation
for this is that most of the articles from traditional sources – those less likely to exhibit
bias – were shorter than 25 sentences. If this arbitrary limit were hindering the coding
scheme’s ability to ascertain bias in longer texts, one would expect to find a lower
average bias score for longer articles.
The data show that articles returned in Google News searches are more likely to
have a bias toward a particular candidate than those returned in searches on Yahoo News,
but there is no evidence of an overall conservative bias in search results on Google News,
as has been suggested. Both Google News and Yahoo News searches returned articles
that were, on the whole, equally favorable to both George W. Bush and John Kerry. This
is what one would expect to see of balanced search results at a time when public opinion
is evenly divided between the two candidates.
Accordingly, the research hypothesis, H1, is rejected.
For both candidates, a slight tendency toward negativism (that is, more
unfavorable content than favorable) can be seen in articles returned by the two news
A Question of Balance — 18
portals. This can be explained in two ways:
By the time the data were collected – in the two weeks before the 2004
general election – the race for the presidency had turned increasingly negative.
The news media by their nature generally place greater emphasis on negative
stories than positive ones.
With the abundance of well-respected, credible sources on the Internet, why does
Google News return so many articles from biased sources? An explanation offered by
Nathan Stoll, Google’s associate product manager for Google News, has to do with the
search terms themselves (2004): A search for “John Kerry” will first return entries in
which the entire search term appears in the headline. Even though Google News
examines the full text of articles when looking for a search term, it puts extra weight on
the headline when it ranks the results. So, stories with headlines such as “John Kerry lies
about his record” will receive a higher rank than stories with headlines such as “Kerry
campaigns in Ohio” (omitting his first name). Traditional media – which tend to be less
biased than many alternative, online-only news sources – generally identify people in
headlines by their last names only. As a result, articles from these news organizations
may often be outranked in Google News search results by those from sites that do not
follow this practice. Given this peculiarity, the use of full names in the searches analyzed
here could be seen as a weakness in the study, but in fact it emulates the behavior of an
average user. Unaware of the distinction, a user presumably is more likely to search for a
full name than just a last name, resulting in a disproportionate number of results from
non-traditional news sources. Searches on Yahoo News do not appear to exhibit this
tendency as frequently.
A Question of Balance — 19
It is important to understand that this study is not an indictment of Google News’s
practice of automatically ranking the top stories on its front page and section fronts.
While Google News’s ranking methods may be flawed, as some have charged, this study
is concerned only with the site’s search results. It should also be noted that Google News
does not distinguish between factual and opinion pieces in its search results (Stoll, 2004).
Thus, an editorial may appear along with straight-news stories, even though the former
represents a particular point of view while the latter are supposed to be reasonably
balanced recitations of fact. It is not clear that average users can make the distinction,
especially given the many online-only sources that often peddle a confusing mixture of
fact and opinion. Accordingly, this study makes no attempt to separate news from
editorial content.
The main flaws in the study are with the coding scheme. Better coder training, a
more detailed coding manual and a more precise definition of “favorability” would
almost certainly have improved intercoder reliability, which, while not low enough to call
into question the results, is below expectations. Additionally, using sentences as units of
observation makes for some ambiguity in the coding process. If one sentence contains
multiple distinct propositions, or a single proposition stretches across multiple sentences,
some of this granularity is lost in the current coding method.
If users are looking for current factual information about a political candidate, this
study concludes that they are more likely to find it by searching Yahoo News. If, on the
other hand, users want a wide range of alternative viewpoints, then Google News may be
their best bet.
A Question of Balance — 20
Dallas, Jim. (2004) “From the Department of ‘Huh?’” Burnt Orange Report [weblog].
Retrieved April 12, 2005, from
Gaither, Chris. (2005, April 11). “Web Giants Go With Different Angles in Competition
for News Audience.” Los Angeles Times, p. C-1.
Google. (2004). About Google News. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2004, from
Groseclose, Tim, and Milyo, Jeff. (2003). A Measure of Media Bias [working paper].
Retrieved Dec. 9, 2004, from
Krippendorff, Klaus. (1980). Content analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology.
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Lasica, J.D. (2004, Sept. 24). Balancing act: how news portals serve up political stories.
Online Journalism Review. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2004, from
Lee, Martin A., and Solomon, Norman. (1990). Unreliable Sources: A Guide to Detecting
Bias in News Media. New York: Carol Publishing.
Olsen, Stefanie, and Hansen, Evan. (2005, March 25). “All the news that robots pick.”
CNET News.com. Retrieved April 28, 2005, from http://news.com.com/2100-
Stoll, Nathan. (2004, Nov. 13). [personal communication with Google News associate
product manager]
Tabarrok, Alex. (2004). “Surprise! Fox News Is Fair and Balanced!” Marginal
Revolution [weblog]. Retrieved April 12, 2005, from
Weber, Robert Philip. (1990). Basic Content Analysis. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
A Question of Balance — 21
Appendix A: Coding instructions
When you are assigned an article to code, you will evaluate it in two ways: unit-
by-unit and overall. The units of observation are sentences. When you code unit-by-unit,
you must consider only the individual unit you are coding. When you code the article
overall, you can consider aspects of the article, such as the headline, that can't be taken
into account in a unit-by-unit analysis. If there are any technical or procedural
irregularities in the coding, please make a note of it in the comments field.
When you have completed the coding process for an article, double-check your
response (since you can't go back) and hit the "Submit responses" button. Your responses
will be recorded, and you'll be given the opportunity to continue on to another article.
We are looking for favorable and unfavorable references to John Kerry in the
results of a search on his name, and the same for George W. Bush. You will be coding
the text of articles returned in search queries Yahoo News and Google News.
To keep coders from spending an inordinate amount of time on any one story,
stories longer than 25 units (sentences) will be truncated. Most stories are shorter than
this anyway.
Here are the basic rules for coding individual units:
A Question of Balance — 22
A unit can only be coded as favorable or unfavorable if it contains an
unambiguous message that, taken independently of other units, is favorable to
one candidate or the other. Otherwise it must be coded neutral.
If a unit contains both favorable and unfavorable references to the same
candidate, or it contains only favorable or unfavorable references to both
candidates, it should be coded neutral.
If a unit contains one or more favorable references to one candidate and one or
more unfavorable references to the other candidate, only the first reference in
the sentence should be considered in coding.
If there is uncertainty about how different people might interpret a unit, it
should be coded neutral.
On the coding form, mark each sentence as favorable to Bush, favorable to Kerry,
unfavorable to Bush, unfavorable to Kerry or neutral. Please observe the following
definitions when considering what are favorable and unfavorable references.
The following may be considered favorable or unfavorable references:
Direct references to the candidate (by name or other obvious identifier -- e.g.,
"my opponent", "the senator")
Quotes from candidates (or their surrogates) about themselves or each other
References to actions or statements by the Bush or Kerry campaigns
News directly related to candidates' issues or policies where it is clear that the
news is damaging or helpful to a particular candidate
The following should be left marked as "netural":
A Question of Balance — 23
Mentions of the actions of parties, aides, colleagues, etc., unless they are
directly related to the campaign
General ideological assertions and political observations that are subjective
and can't be considered positive or negative for either candidate (e.g., "big
government is bad" or "social security is broken")
Any citation of poll results (since it is difficult to weight poll results fairly)
Any mention that cannot be clearly determined to be favorable or unfavorable
to a particular candidate
What constitutes favorable and unfavorable?
If a reference cannot be clearly construed as favorable or unfavorable (e.g.,
"John Kerry has a rich wife" could be interpreted either way), it should be
Instances where a favorable adjective is used to describe a neutral or
unfavorable action (e.g., "...efficient in his criticism of Bush") do not count as
a favorable mention. Same with unfavorable adjectives.
Historical references can be coded as favorable or unfavorable only if there is
a clear relationship to the candidate and it can be clearly discerned as being
favorable or unfavorable (e.g., "Truman didn't apologize for war mistakes, so
Bush shouldn't have to either" could be coded as favorable to Bush)
If a candidate's actual or alleged associate or ally is portrayed negatively (or
positively), the ally's relationship to the candidate counts as a single
unfavorable (favorable) reference. (e.g., "Arafat is a murderer. Arafat is a
A Question of Balance — 24
thug. Arafat is derailing the peace process. Arafat endorses Kerry." Only the
last sentence is coded as unfavorable to Kerry.)
A Question of Balance — 25
Appendix B: Sources of articles returned
Yahoo News returned more articles from traditional media sources (in boldface)
than Google News did. A traditional news source is defined as a wire service,
newspaper, magazine, TV station, radio station, broadcast network or cable network,
accessed either directly or through a news aggregator.
Google News
Chicago Maroon
Ft. Worth Star-Telegram
Daytona Beach News-Journal
The Jewish Press
The (Carlisle, Pa.) Sentinel
Sioux Falls Argus Leader quoted on Lucianne.com
Biloxi (Miss.) Sun-Herald
Denver Post quoted on Lucianne.com
CBC News (Canada)
Jerusalem Post
International Herald Tribune
New York Post
AP via San Jose Mercury News
AP via Duluth News Tribune
The Australian
Lawrence (Kan.) Journal-World
AP via canada.com
Business-Standard.com (India)
TVM (Maldives) via MaldivesInfo
PRNewswire via Yahoo News
ThisDay (Nigeria) via AllAfrica.com
AP via Canada.com
The Washington Dispatch
Washington Times via The Conservative Voice
TVM (Maldives) via MaldivesInfo
Scranton (Pa.) Times Tribune
AP via WHEC-TV (Rochester, N.Y.)
(60% traditional media sources)
Yahoo News
TheWGALChannel.com (Harrisburg, Pa.)
TheWGALChannel.com (Harrisburg, Pa.)
PRNewswire via Yahoo News
Guardian Unlimited (U.K.)
The Southern Illinoisan
AP via Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Ill.)
The Smoking Gun
AFP via Yahoo News
WCPO.com (Cincinnati)
New Zealand Herald
AP via Yahoo News
WPXI.com (Pittsburgh)
AP via Duluth News Tribune
India Daily
AFP via Yahoo News
Knight Ridder
Reuters via Australian Broadcasting Corp.
AP via Canada.com
AP via PhillyBurbs.com (N.J.)
PRNewswire via Yahoo News
Kyodo News via Yahoo Asia
AP via WNEP-TV (Scranton, Pa.)
AP via Canada.com
KYW Newsradio 1060 (Philadelphia)
The (Youngstown, Ohio) Vindicator
The Times of India
AP via Canada.com
India Online
AP via WHEC-TV (Rochester, N.Y.)
AFP via Khaleej Times (U.A.E.)
Editor and Publisher via Yahoo News
AP via Yahoo News
(76% traditional media sources)