Explanation of Identity and Access Management
Document Title
Explanation of Identity and
Access Management
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Part of AUTOSAR Standard
Adaptive Platform
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Date Release
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2023-11-23 R23-11
Initial release
1 of 13 Document ID 1071: AUTOSAR_AP_EXP_IdentityAndAccessManagement
Explanation of Identity and Access Management
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
1 Introduction 4
2 Acronyms and Abbreviations 5
3.1 Model description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Remote IAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 Modelling 10
4.1 Identification of applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2 IAM Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.3 Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5 References 12
5.1 Contents of the AUTOSAR specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.2 PEP Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6 Assumptions 13
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
1 Introduction
This document describes the Identity and Access Management (IAM) model used in
the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform. IAM offers a standardized model for AUTOSAR AP
components to manage authentication and access operations.
This document also discusses modelling and integration within Adaptive AUTOSAR’s
Functional Clusters. The Requirement Specifications are referenced in section 5.1.
Note that IAM is not a Functional Cluster nor an API. The functionality described in
this document must then be implemented by Functional Clusters and APIs requiring
access control. Additional support is provided by the AP Foundation and Services,
e.g., Execution Management.
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
2 Acronyms and Abbreviations
The glossary below includes acronyms and abbreviations relevant to Identity and Ac-
cess Management that are not included in the AUTOSAR Glossary.
Policy Decision Point (PDP)
The PDP represents the logic in which the access control deci-
sion is made. It determines if the application is allowed to perform
the requested task. The PDP implementation and setup are not
specified in AUTOSAR.
Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) The PEP represents the logic in which the Access Control Deci-
sions are enforced. It communicates directly with the associated
PDP to receive the Access Control Decision.
Access control Policy
Access Control Policies are bound to the targets of calls (i.e., Ser-
vice interfaces) and are used to express what Identity Information
are necessary to access those interfaces.
Access Control Decision The Access Control Decision is a Boolean value indicating if the
requested operation is permitted or not. It is based on the identity
of the caller and the Access Control Policy.
Identity represents properties of an Adaptive Application the ac-
cess control is decided / enforced upon. In the case of Remote
IAM, Identity can also mean properties of a remote ECU the ac-
cess control is decided / enforced upon.
AUTOSAR Resource The term AUTOSAR Resource covers interfaces that are under
the scope of IAM (e.g., Service Interfaces, Crypto Key Slots,
Crypto certificates).
An Intent is a property of an Adaptive Application. Access to an
AUTOSAR Resource (e.g., Cr yptoKeySlot, ServiceInterface and
its members Method, Event, and Field) is granted if the request-
ing Application possesses all acknowledged intents that are nec-
essary for that specific resource. An Intent could also describe
the type of the access the Application is requesting (e.g., Read
or write access to a CryptoCertificate). Intents are assigned to
Adaptive Applications within their Application Manifest by means
of AUTOSAR Resource specific modelling(e.g., ComFieldGrant-
The integrator acknowledges an Adaptive Application’s intent by
transferring GrantDesigns to a Grant in the deployment phase.
Grant elements may be processed into access control lists for
the PDP implementation.
Application ID
Application ID is a unique identifier of an Adaptive Application.
In the meta-model an Adaptive Application is represented by a
A Process is the meta model’s runtime instance of an Adaptive
Application and represents its runtime identity. A Process may be
identified during runtime by a uniquely assigned identifier (e.g., a
Unix user).
IPC Inter-Process Communication
Table 2.1: Acronyms and Abbreviations
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
Identity and Access Management ensures that only the right authorized identities can
access the right resources. In the context of AUTOSAR AP, identities would refer to
Adaptive Applications, or their hosts, and resources to any functionality supported and
exposed by Functional Clusters APIs within AP.
More broadly, IAM shall offer a framework that includes processes, policies, and tech-
nologies supporting the management of both identities and resources, via authentica-
tion and the control of access and permissions.
Figure 3.1: AUTOSAR IAM
3.1 Model description
The objective of IAM in AUTOSAR AP is essentially to prevent a malfunctioning or
compromised Adaptive Application from accessing services or resources that were not
intended to be accessed by the application’s designer and the integrator.
As a motivating example, consider an infotainment application, with Internet access,
which has a high risk of being compromised. We assume that this application should
never have access to a service allowing to brake the car for instance. If the infotainment
application gets compromised by an attacker, the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform must
prevent any access attempt of the said application to the braking service functionality.
During the design phase of an Adaptive Application, its intended access (referred to as
intents) is modelled and acknowledged by the integrator during the deployment phase.
A representation of access rights as an access matrix is shown in Fig. 3.2.
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
Figure 3.2: Access Matrix
The access matrix shows the access rights of subjects on objects. A subject is an
artifact that wants to have access. Typically, this is (part of) a process running on a
system, but not a resource. An object is an artifact that the access should be granted
to. This can be either another (part of) a process or a resource.
The information about access r ights must be deployed to the system using a manifest.
There are two options: For each application, provide an object list -its intents-, i.e., the
access rights that this application has as a subject. Alternatively, for each service or
resource, provide its access list, i.e., the list of all subjects having the right to access it
as object.
For the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform we deploy intents together with an Adaptive Ap-
plication. For one subject, the list of accessible objects does not typically change over
time. For an object, however, an access list is likely to be updated with the deployment
of further applications.
On a running platform instance, access rights need to be enforced as shown in Fig.
3.3. As shown in Fig. 3.2, Application B is allowed to access service A - B has the
intent to access A. However, service C does not have the intent to access A. A Policy
Enforcement Point (PEP) must supervise the interaction and thus prevent the access
of C to A. The information, whether the intent is present or not, is provided by a Policy
Decision Point (PDP). To provide this information, a PDP needs the identity of both
the subject and the object, as well as further details on the kind of interaction between
them. More detailed interaction between a Subject and an Object can be found in Fig.
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
Figure 3.3: Access Control by Policy Enforcement
The authorizing entities are logically divided into an entity that decides whether an
Adaptive Application is allowed to access a resource (PDP) and an entity that enforces
the access control decision (PEP). Functional Clusters that need to restrict access to
their application interfaces need to implement the PEP that enforces the access control
decision provided by a PDP. For that, the PEP will communicate with the PDP if an
Adaptive Application requests access to such an interface. Access control decisions
are sent back to the PEP based on the request and the application’s intents. The
necessary information for the access control decision is based on the intents found
in the Application Manifest of the Adaptive Application that initiated the request as
well as the policies. Policies represent the rules that apply for the interfaces, i.e. the
preliminaries that an Adaptive Application must fulfill in order to gather access. For
each resource under access control, policies will be defined within the specification of
Functional Clusters.
To avoid an attacker abusing the model, the following must be considered:
The intents provided in a manifest must be authenticated. An attacker should not
be able to change the intents of an application, after compromise, to gain further
access. (RS_IAM_00019 [1])
Policy Enforcement must be implemented outside of the subject. A compro-
mised application shall not be able to circumvent the PEP. Consequently, the
PEP may not be executed in the process-context of the requesting application.
(RS_IAM_00002 [1])
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
Figure 3.4: IAM Sequence
3.2 Remote IAM
The interaction between applications might need to happen across platform bound-
aries. Remote IAM, called SCREIAM , introduces host identity and access rights for
when services and applications reside on different hosts. It provides means to resolve
identities and authenticate remote hosts based on several secure channels, including
TLS or IPSec.
In the local IAM description, applications running on the same platform can be reliably
identified, e.g., with process ID. In the case of remote calling applications, this is done
via network binding. When a secure channel is used, the remote host can be consid-
ered as authenticated and its identity known for IAM to apply the access policy as per
the model described above.
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
4 Modelling
The application designer can model each interaction point of an application with the
ARA API. For instance, ara::com can define PortInterfaces representing its ARA
API features, as well as a set of GrantDesigns. These GrantDesigns shall be
structured so that security-critical portions of the ARA API can be restricted. The
ara::com API uses the ServiceInterface to represent its interaction points. The
ServiceInterface itself consists of Method, Event, and Field entities. Each of
these entities may be subject to fine-grained access control restrictions. Hence, there
are GrantDesigns for each of these entities.
Using ara::com s available meta-model design elements, the application designer
can create a model consisting of:
PortPrototypes referencing a Functional Cluster’s PortInterfaces to ex-
press the need for using an ARA API,
GrantDesigns to request access to specific elements within a Functional Clus-
ter’s PortInterface.
The integrator shall accept each requested intent by creating an explicit Grant en-
tity in the deployment model. The Grant shall reference the application designer’s
GrantDesign, a Process, and ara::com s respective deployment model entities
(e.g., SomeipServiceInterfaceDeployment). If an integrator does not accept re-
quested intent, a valid model cannot be created, and therefore the integrator and the
application designer shall reconsider requesting the intent or granting the access.
Using ara::com s available meta-model deployment elements, the integrator shall
create a model consisting of:
The application’s runtime instances (Process),
ara::com s deployment model,
ara::com s Grants linking the runtime instance to the protected assets.
Given a deployment model, IAM entities will be transformed into a manifest for deploy-
ment into an ECU or for integration into a software update package.
In use cases where granularity in access control is not needed (e.g., specific access
control for each event/field), the intents can be modelled in other ways as to specify
access to the whole resource at once (e.g., Write or Read access specified for an entire
CryptoKeySlot or CryptoCertificate).
4.1 Identification of applications
The accurate identification of applications by the PEP is crucial to the IAM model. One
mechanism for identifying a runtime instance of an application is to run the process as
a distinct operating system user (e.g., POSIX users). In that case, Execution Manage-
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
ment shall start application processes as distinct operating system users. Operating
systems provide the functionality to query peer credentials on an IPC channel (e.g.,
getpeereid() with Unix domain sockets).
AUTOSAR does not fully specify the identification of Adaptive Applications. The most
appropriate solution depends on the operating system and platform a vendor chooses.
The Adaptive Platfor m implementation’s IPC mechanism can encapsulate this func-
tionality and transfer the information to the Policy Enforcement Point. The Policy En-
forcement Point shall translate the actual runtime identity (i.e., the Unix user ID) to the
model’s representation (i.e., the Process). The Policy Decision Point shall then use the
reference to the model’s runtime instance and the associated Grants to allow or deny
4.2 IAM Integration
The IAM model presented above describes the necessary elements needed to enable
the description of permissions by developers, and their acknowledgment by integra-
tors during deployment. This, however, will be adapted to each Functional Cluster,
and new modelling elements might be specified. Solutions for both Communication
Management (COM), and Platform Health Management (PHM) have been developed.
Further integration work is ongoing with the associated Functional Clusters’ teams, like
4.3 Errors
During the process of granting access to resources, the inability of the PDP to allow
access or the subject to reach the PDP or PEP might be the result of insufficient ac-
cess permissions, invalid requests, unexpected input data, or the non-availability of
supporting services. These errors should be specified in ara::core or the Operating
System Interface to be applicable in a consistent way across the board.
The application does not have permission to either access or perform a task on
the requested resource.
The authorization process cannot be completed, e.g., PDP or PEP cannot be
Table 4.1: IAM Errors
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
5 References
Documents which contain IAM specific information are referenced here.
5.1 Contents of the AUTOSAR specification
The following table represents which parts of the IAM framework will be defined by
AUTOSAR and which parts are up to the developer implementation-wise.
Description Affiliated to Part of
Requirement specification for IAM AUTOSAR Specification RS_IdentityAndAccessManagement [1]
Behavioral description of the IAM framework (re-
garding interfaces)
AUTOSAR Specification
API for communication between Functional clus-
ters implementing a PDP and the PEP in the
Adaptive Platform.
Not specified by AU-
The application intents & Access control policies
(Manifest file information).
AUTOSAR Specification TPS_Manifest_Specification
Warnings/error messages that the applications
receive on failed authorization.
AUTOSAR Specification
API for activity logging. AUTOSAR Specification
Not yet decided
Contents of the logging information. AUTOSAR Specification
Not yet decided
Interface between Adaptive Application and
Functional Clusters
Not specified by AU-
Identification of Adaptive Applications during r un-
Not specified by AU-
Table 5.1: AUTOSAR IAM References
5.2 PEP Implementation
The implementation of a Policy Enforcement Point in a Functional Cluster is defined in
the corresponding software specification.
The following implementations are defined as of now (more Functional Clusters will be
updated in future releases):
Communication Management (Section 7.6.1 IAM)
Platform Health Management
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Explanation of Identity and Access Management
6 Assumptions
The integrator can configure an authentic channel between Policy Decision Points
and Policy Enforcement Points. This could be done through the operating sys-
tem’s access rights for example.
Applications are designed/configured to have intents (properties that allow them
to access certain resources).
Each intent will be acknowledged during deployment.
Applications are deployed together with an Application Manifest containing in-
An Adaptive Application that wants to access a resource protected by IAM has to
be started authentically, and its manifest has to be authenticated during deploy-
The PEP and PDP should not be a part of the Subject ( Adaptive Application that
is requesting a resource protected by IAM).
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