University of North Georgia
Student Handbook
This handbook is prepared for the convenience of students and does not constitute an official publication of the
Board of Regents or the University System of Georgia. In case of any divergence from or conflict with the Bylaws
or Policies of the Board of Regents, the official Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Regents shall prevail. This
handbook is not a contract. It is for informational purposes only and provides no rights to the reader. Be sure to
check the University of North Georgia website
for the latest policies and updates.
If you require this document in an alternative format, please contact the Office of Student Involvement
(Gainesville Campus) at 678-717-3622.
University of North Georgia Mission ............................................................................................................................. 3
Honor Code .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
UNG Commitment to Multicultural Excellence ............................................................................................................. 3
Academic Policies .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Academic Advising ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Academic Rights and Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................ 3
Academic Standing Policy .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Class Attendance Policy ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Course Loads .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Emergency Notification System ................................................................................................................................. 4
Evaluations................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Final Examinations ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Student Grade Complaints/Appeals .......................................................................................................................... 5
Student Records Management .................................................................................................................................. 5
Withdrawal from UNG ............................................................................................................................................... 6
University of North Georgia Student Code of Conduct ................................................................................................. 6
Sexual Misconduct Policy .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Other University Policies ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Alcohol and Drug Policy ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Amorous Relationships Policy .................................................................................................................................... 8
Amnesty Policy .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Animals on Campus Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Corps of Cadets Participation Policy .......................................................................................................................... 8
Expressive Activity Policy ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Hazing Policy .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Non-discrimination Policy .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Student On-Campus Residence Requirement Policy ................................................................................................. 8
Sexual Misconduct Policy .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Student Advisory Council Policy ................................................................................................................................ 8
Student Organization Responsibility for Drug Use Policy .......................................................................................... 8
Student Refunds Policy .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Tobacco- and Smoke Free Campus Policy ................................................................................................................. 8
Weapons .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Student Resources ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Card Services.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Career Services .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Emergency Call Boxes ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Financial Aid ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Food Service .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Libraries ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
LiveSafe Phone App ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Multicultural Student Affairs ................................................................................................................................... 10
Student Orientation and Success (SOS) ................................................................................................................... 10
Off Campus Housing ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Parking and Transportation Services ....................................................................................................................... 11
Residence Life .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Student Counseling .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Student Accessibility Services .................................................................................................................................. 12
Student Health Services ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Testing ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Tutoring Services ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
UNG Alert ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
UNG Bookstore ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
UNG Military Store .................................................................................................................................................. 13
UNG Food Pantries .................................................................................................................................................. 13
University Police ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Co-Curricular Experiences and Opportunities ............................................................................................................. 14
Fraternity & Sorority Life ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Student Leadership Programs and Community Engagement .................................................................................. 14
Campus Recreation & Wellness ............................................................................................................................... 14
Student Involvement ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Where to Go Whom to See ....................................................................................................................................... 15
University of North Georgia Mission
The University of North Georgia, a regional multi-campus institution and premier senior military college, provides a
culture of academic excellence in a student-focused environment that includes quality education, service,
research, and creativity. This is accomplished through broad access to comprehensive academic and co-curricular
programs that develop students into leaders for a diverse and global society. The University of North Georgia is a
University System of Georgia Leadership Institution and is The Military College of Georgia.
Honor Code
It is the responsibility of all community members to promote, abide by, and enforce the Honor Code:
On my honor, I will not lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, evade the truth, conspire to deceive, or
tolerate those who do.
UNG Commitment to Multicultural Excellence
The University of North Georgia prepares students to lead in a global society. Essential to this mission is an
environment that is welcoming, respectful, and inclusive of individuals and groups from a range of social,
economic, and cultural backgrounds- an environment that embraces varied perspectives, values, and unique
Academic Policies
The individual student is responsible for being familiar with the academic regulations and procedures at the
University of North Georgia as published in this handbook and in the university catalog. Each student is
encourages to read the regulations carefully and to seek interpretation from their academic advisor or from the
Office of the Provost in the event that questions exist.
Academic Advising
Academic Advising keeps you on track towards graduation by helping you determine the courses you need to fulfill
the core curriculum, major, and graduation requirements. Advisors can help you choose a major, develop an
educational plan, answer questions about UNG academic policies, and refer you to campus resources that will
support your academic success. Campus Academic Advising Centers serve students in specific major programs,
undecided students, and students who earn grade point averages below certain minimum standards.
For more information, please see Academic Advising
Academic Rights and Responsibilities
1. In all academic matters, a student of the University of North Georgia has the right to be governed by
reasonable and just regulations.
2. The student shall be free to take reasoned exception to data and views offered in the classroom and to
reserve judgment about matters of opinion, without fear of penalty.
3. The student has the right to a course grade that represents the instructor’s professional judgment of their
performance in the course, and to protection from improper disclosure of information concerning their
grades, views, beliefs, political associations, health, sexual orientation, or character, which an instructor
acquires in the course of their professional relationship with the student.
4. The student shall have a right to accurately and clearly stated information, which would enable them to
a. The general requirements for establishing and maintaining an acceptable academic standing.
b. Their own academic relationship with the university and any special conditions, which apply.
c. The graduation requirements for a particular curriculum and major.
5. The student is responsible for classroom behavior that is conducive to the teaching/learning process for
all concerned and for meeting requirements of a course of study according to the standards of
performance stablished by the faculty.
6. The faculty shall have final authority and responsibility for course content, classroom procedure, and
7. No committee or judicial body established under this document shall have any power to change any
individual grade, which represents the instructor’s professional judgment of the student’s performance in
the class. In view of this, it is incumbent upon the faculty member to keep each student informed of
his/her progress or lack of progress in each course.
8. In the event that a specific complaint cannot be resolved through informal conferences with the faculty
member involved, any student who believes that their academic rights as defined herein have been
violated may seek redress. See Student Complaint Policy
Academic Standing Policy
A student’s academic status at UNG is determined at the end of each term of enrollment (fall, spring or summer)
on the basis of the student’s cumulative and/or term grade point average (GPA) and number of hours earned.
For more information, please see Academic Standing Policy
Class Attendance Policy
The University of North Georgia expects students to attend all regularly scheduled classes for instruction and
examination. When a student is compelled for any reason to be absent from class, the student should immediately
convey the reason for the absence directly to the instructor. The student is responsible for all material presented
in class and for all announcements and assignments.
For more information, please see Class Attendance Policy
Course Loads
A normal load for a full-time student is 15-18 semester hours exclusive of military science.
For more information, please see Course Load
Emergency Notification System
Currently the University of North Georgia has adopted three methods of communication for dissemination of
information regarding emergencies. Those methods include:
UNG Alert
Website Notification
Outdoor Weather Sirens
LiveSafe Phone App
For more information, please see Emergency Information
Class evaluations at the University of North Georgia are conducted online through Banner. Evaluation of the class
is considered a component of the course and students will not be permitted to access their course grade until the
evaluation has been completed. The evaluations will be accessible beginning one week prior to Final Exam week.
For more information, please see Class Evaluations
Final Examinations
The final examination is a scheduled part of the class.
For more information, please see the course syllabus and Final Exams
Student Grade Complaints/Appeals
The grade appeals process is appropriate only when the basis for the assigned grade is arbitrary, capricious, or the
result of a ministerial error. Arbitrary means that a course grade is determined by random choice or personal
whim with no sound academic reason. Capricious means that a course grade is determined by a material
departure from reasonable and announced grading procedures. Ministerial error means a student assessment was
inaccurately recorded or the final grade was incorrectly calculated (data entry or calculation error).
For the complete policy, please see Student Grade Appeals.
Student Records Management
The Registrar’s Office is the custodian of education records at the University of North Georgia. Education records
generally include any record (handwritten, electronic, print, film, or other medium) containing information directly
related to the student and maintained by or for UNG or an agent of the university.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords any student , regardless of age, who is or has been in
attendance at UNG, the right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days following the receipt of
the student’s request.
Access to the following records will not permitted:
1. Records kept by UNG personnel which remain in the sole possession of the maker;
2. Law enforcement records maintained by campus police;
3. Employment records which relate exclusively to employment;
4. Records of professionals providing medical or psychological treatment to the student;
5. Financial records of parents or legal guardians;
6. Confidential letters of recommendation for admission to the university;
7. Records connected with an application for admission to UNG if that application was denied;
8. Application for employment or honors for which the student has voluntarily singed a waiver;
9. Information pertaining to another student if the record contains information about more than one
The student’s written consent is required before UNG may disclose education records to a third party except to
school officials or in response to conditions as defined below:
1. To UNG personnel who have legitimate educational interest in the information in order to fulfill their
professional responsibilities;
2. To officials of other institutions where the student seeks or intends to enroll;
3. To representatives of federal agencies and state and local officials authorized by law to have access to
education records and members and staff of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia;
4. To appropriate persons in connection with a student’s application for or receipt of financial aid;
5. To a person or company with whom the university has contracted;
6. To accrediting bodies or to organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of the university;
7. To necessary individuals in connection with a health or safety emergency;
8. To the parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of a federal, state, or local law, or of any rule
or policy of the university, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance;
9. To person in response to lawfully issues subpoenas or court orders. Every reasonable effort will be made
to notify the student in advance of compliance;
10. To parents of dependent students as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, Section 152;
11. To the victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense concerning the
final results of a disciplinary hearing with respect to the alleged crime;
12. To any third party the final result s of a disciplinary proceeding related to a crime of violence or non-
forcible sex offense if the student who is the alleged perpetrator is found to have violated the university’s
rules or policies;
13. If the information to be released is designated as directory information.
UNG has designated the following items as directory information:
1. Student’s name, mailing and permanent addresses, telephone numbers, and email address;
2. Degree(s) pursued and/or awarded and dates;
3. Major, minor, and/or concentration;
4. Enrollment status.(i.e., full- or part-time);
5. Class standing (i.e., senior, freshman, etc.);
6. Dates of attendance;
7. Anticipated graduation date;
8. Participation in University-sponsored activities and sports;
9. Honors and awards received.
For more information, please see Student Records
Withdrawal from UNG
There are several different types of withdrawals depending on the circumstances and/or needs of the student.
Students are encouraged to review all types of withdrawal in order to decide what is best for their situation and
progression toward their educational goals.
For more information, please see Withdrawal
University of North Georgia Student Code of Conduct
The University of North Georgia strives to educate students and develop leaders who are prepared for community,
state, and global service. Consistent with University System of Georgia policies, the university has created a
Student Code of Conduct that seeks to protect the safety, rights, and privileges afforded to students and other
members of the community. Essential to this purpose, students and other model citizens and their actions and
behavior should reflect the core values of the University. Students are expected to adhere to national, state, and
local laws; respect the rights and privileges of others; be forthright and honest in all their social and academic
conduct; and in general, conduct themselves in a manner which brings credit to themselves and the University of
North Georgia.
The University of North Georgia is dedicated not only to learning and the advancement of knowledge, but also to
the development of ethical and responsible citizens. It seeks to achieve these goals through sound educational
program policies governing student conduct, that encourage independent thinking and maturity. Each student, as
a citizen of the University community, assumes an obligation to follow all rules and regulations.
Included in the Student Code of Conduct are regulations which the University and local communities can expect
students to uphold upon admission at the University of North Georgia, an explanation of the student conduct
process, rights of students and student organizations as it pertains to the conduct process, a list of possible
sanctions, and the appeal process.
For the complete policy, please see Student Code of Conduct.
Other useful links are found here:
Student Integrity - Make a Report (UNG)
USG Student Conduct Policies
Sexual Misconduct Policy
The University of North Georgia will not tolerate sexual misconduct, including, but not limited to, sexual
harassment, nonconsensual sexual contact, nonconsensual sexual penetration, dating violence, domestic violence,
stalking, and sexual exploitation.
UNG strives to ensure that all parties involved receive appropriate support and fair treatment and that allegations
of sexual misconduct are handled in a prompt, thorough, and equitable manner.
The University strongly encourages members of the University community to promptly report instances of sexual
misconduct. The quickest and most effective way to report an incident is by completing the
Sexual Misconduct
Report Form or emailing
If you are not ready to file a report, consider speaking with Student Counseling Services or Student Health Service
staff. These staff members are Privileged and Confidential Employees, and they will treat your report in a
completely confidential manner while providing you with care and advice.
UNG strives to ensure that all parties involved receive appropriate support and fair treatment, and that allegations
of sexual misconduct are handled in a prompt, thorough, and equitable manner. If you would like more
information about the UNG sexual misconduct policies and procedures, how to report a case, or to contact the
Title IX Coordinator, please visit the website
You are not required to report a sexual assault to law enforcement. If you choose to do so, UNG Police or your
local law enforcement agency can inform you of your legal rights and options should you decide to prosecute.
Supportive Measures
UNG recognizes that Sexual Misconduct impacts mental health and prevents people from feeling safe and
participating in campus-related activities and events. Supportive measures are implemented to ensure access and
meaningful participation for undergraduate students, graduate students, staff, and faculty in their education,
housing, and employment. Supportive measures include counseling, advocacy, housing assistance, academic
support, disability services, health and mental services, and other services which may be available.
Interim Protective Measures
Interim measures may be implemented at any point after the University becomes aware of an allegation of sexual
misconduct to protect the Complainant and the University community. Such measures are designed to restore or
preserve equal access to the education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party,
including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the campus community or deter sexual
misconduct and retaliation.
Grievance Process
The University processes complaints against Respondents using the Sexual Misconduct Policy and the Sexual
Misconduct Grievance Procedures. Options available to Complainants may include (1) take no action at the time
but keep the report on file, (2) pursue an alternative or informal resolution, or (3) conduct an investigation which
may lead to a hearing. More information regarding the Grievance Process can be found on the Title IX website.
Additional Information
Visit the Title IX website
for information related to:
· Rights of the Complainant and Respondent
· Resources, on- and off-campus
· How to help a friend
· University’s response to reports
· Privacy and confidentiality
· Policies and procedures
· Definitions
Other University Policies
This section contains information about policies affecting various aspects of the University. This information
applies across the University community.
Alcohol and Drug Policy
Amorous Relationships Policy
Amnesty Policy
Animals on Campus Policy
Corps of Cadets Participation Policy
Expressive Activity Policy
Hazing Policy
Non-discrimination Policy
Non-Enrolled Minors on Campus Policy
Student On-Campus Residence Requirement Policy
Sexual Misconduct Policy
Student Advisory Council Policy
Student Organization Responsibility for Drug Use Policy
Student Refunds Policy
Tobacco- and Smoke Free Campus Policy
Student Resources
This section contains information on the various University-wide resources that can offer students support in
academic planning, career planning, financial matters, cultural affinity and identity development, and many other
areas. Not all areas have physical locations on every campus. Please check department websites for specific
Card Services
Your Nighthawks Card is your official University identification card. Each student at the University of North
Georgia is required to obtain and carry an official University ID card.
The Nighthawks Card is used to gain access to campus events, campus services, residence halls, meal plans,
Campus Cash, and much more! If a Nighthawks Card is lost or stolen, it can be replaced for a $25.00 fee at Card
Don’t forget that you can save money on campus when you use Campus Cash!
Visit the Card Services
website for more information.
Career Services
Career Services is here to prepare you for a lifetime of meaningful work. Visit us in your first semester at UNG to
learn specific steps to take each year that will keep you on track to achieving your dreams!
Our career specialists provide education, support and resources to help you decide a major, design your career
goals, gain experience, write resumes, connect with employers and more. If your goals include graduate or
professional school, we can help with that, too.
Through our career system, Handshake, you will have access to thousands of internships and job opportunities, as
well as to information about employers - regional, national, and international. Join us for our career chats, career
fairs, and other special events throughout the year, designed to help you develop your skills and connect with
professionals. We look forward to meeting you!
For more information, please see Career Services
Emergency Call Boxes
Emergency call boxes are located across all campuses for the general public to use. They are identifiable at night by
the blue lights on top. These emergency call boxes provide a direct line to the Central Dispatch Center at the Police
Department. To use the emergency call boxes, simply press the call box's button to be connected with Dispatch via
speakerphone. When the button is pushed, a bright strobe light on the top of the call box is set off, helping police
quickly locate the caller. If the caller is unable to speak or needs to seek safer shelter, there are indicators in place
to let police dispatchers know which call box has been activated. University police officers will respond quickly any
time a call box is activated, whether someone speaks into the speaker or not. Users may also use call boxes to
report suspicious activity or any other concern that may warrant police attention.
Financial Aid
The University of North Georgia’s financial aid program is administered in conjunction with the nationally
established policy and philosophy. The basis of this policy is the belief that, for students who are considered
dependent for financial aid purposes, the parent(s) is/are the primary and responsible source for helping a student
meet educational costs. Student financial aid is available only for meeting the difference between potential
resources (such as parents’ contribution, student earnings, outside awards) and expenses. The primary purpose of
the University of North Georgia’s financial aid program is to provide assistance to students who, without such aid,
would be unable to the University.
Financial aid may include scholarships, grants, loans, and part-time employment. These types of assistance are
extended either singularly or in combination depending on a student’s academic record and the need for
assistance (defined as the difference between the family’s resources and the cost of attending college).
For more information, please see Financial Aid
Food Service
The University of North Georgia has one food service provider that serves the Dahlonega and Gainesville
campuses. For more information, please see Dining Services
Students at the University of North Georgia seek out the library as an ideal environment outside the classroom
where they can study, relax, and consult with a librarian. UNG libraries encourage and foster student academic
success by providing diverse collections, services, and instruction. Each of our campuses has an on-site library, and
research assistance is available both in-person as well as via chat, video conferencing, email, or phone.
For more information about the offerings, please see Library
LiveSafe Phone App
The free LiveSafe app provides students, faculty, staff, and visitors with a direct connection to University Police so
everyone can easily communicate all their safety needs. Its easy-to-use features help you stay safe every day and
enable us to provide better protection for you. LiveSafe app users automatically receive UNG Alerts and other
broadcasts initiated by University Police.
Emergency “push button” calls to either UNG Police or 9-1-1 for emergency response. Users
can also message UNG Police in the app.
Anonymous messaging for reporting suspicious activity, crimes in progress, or any safety
Location services for friends or family to monitor your progress to a destination.
Multicultural Student Affairs
The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) builds community at the University by fostering an environment
of belonging for all constituents. This office provides leadership opportunities and encourages student
engagement. MSA advocates for students from all backgrounds and identities and serves as a resource for
enhancing multicultural competence for all constituents. MSA also serves as advisors for underrepresented
student organizations.
MSA assists and supports in all efforts to recruit and retain underrepresented students by providing special
assistance with personal, social, or academic concerns, and other guidance. MSA is available to all students, staff,
faculty, as a resource regarding cultural issues.
For more information, please see Multicultural Student Affairs
Student Orientation and Success (SOS)
Student Orientation and Success (SOS) assists all incoming degree-seeking students in their transition to UNG post-
acceptance through new student orientation and beyond. SOS is committed to supporting the unique needs of
first-year, transfer, returning, adult learner, and military0connected students throughout their time at UNG. If you
are a student that falls within these areas, please connect to SOS for support. SOS staff will advocate for your
needs, connect you with available resources, and facilitate communication with various departments across all
For more information, please see Student Orientation and Success.
Off Campus Housing
UNG provides an off-campus housing service which provides a user-friendly searchable listing database to help
students find off-campus housing near UNG campuses. Listings include photographs and floor plans, maps with
directions to the closest UNG campus, direct links to a property's email, application/lease form and website, as
well as property descriptions and a list of property amenities/features. The site also includes educational
components designed to help students with the transition to off-campus living.
The service is free for UNG students, faculty and staff. Students with a UNG login can also register for an account
to create & search roommate profiles, use the message boards or to post a sublet listing.
The UNG Off-Campus Housing Service link can be found on the Dean of Students webpage
or at
Parking and Transportation Services
We provide parking and transportation services across all five campuses. All parking permits are virtual. To park on
campus, you must activate annually by August 1
on the Parking Services Web Portal.
The Shuttle Service can be found on the Gainesville and Dahlonega campuses. To track the shuttles in real time,
download the Passio Go! App on Apple Store or Google Play
To pay for parking tickets or a purchase a front license plate, please visit the Parking Services Web Portal.
Operating hours vary depending on the time of year. For more information, please see Parking and Transportation
Residence Life
The University of North Georgia houses over 2,000 non-cadet students on the Dahlonega campus within its three
styles of University housing: traditional residence halls, suite-style residence halls, and apartment-style residence
halls. Residential meal plans are required for students living in traditional and suite-style residence halls.
All rooms, suites, and apartments are fully furnished with beds, mattresses, drawer units, desks, and chairs.
Additional items vary by housing type and can be found on the Residence Life website. Each room is hard-wired for
network access and has wireless access as well.
Students who are assigned a space in University housing are required to complete an online University Housing
contract and are held responsible for the terms and conditions of the contract for the full term of the contract.
Please read your contract thoroughly before submitting, as it is a legally binding agreement between you and The
University of North Georgia or the University’s Public-Private Partner, Corvias Campus Living.
For more information, please see Residence Life
Student Counseling (Available during University Business Hours)
Most college students encounter difficulties at some point during their college experience. Student Counseling can
help you to move through challenging times, feel better, and improve your ability to succeed academically and
socially. We have four Student Counseling locations (Dahlonega, Gainesville, Oconee, and Cumming) that provide
free and confidential services by licensed professionals to currently enrolled students. UNG’s student counseling
services focus on helping you to find solutions that fit you at this time in your life. We offer a wide variety of
services including mental health assessments, individual and couples psychotherapy, group therapy, screenings,
and educational seminars.
Individual counseling services include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, relationships, homesickness,
stress management, difficulty adjusting to college life, grief, crises, biofeedback, self-exploration, interpersonal
conflicts, panic, academic concerns, test anxiety, rape/sexual assault, sexual orientation and gender issues,
substance abuse and other addictive behaviors, and worries about other students, friends, or family members.
Student Counseling is focused on helping to ameliorate problems common to college students that can usually be
resolve din 4-6 sessions. Student counseling can also assist you with referrals to an off-campus tele-psychiatry
service for medication consultations.
Counseling is not documented on your academic record and is kept between only you and the therapist. The
counselor may only break confidentiality in the unusual circumstances of imminent danger to you or others, a
court order, or where there are concerns for abuse or neglect of children, the disabled, or the elderly. Regardless
of which campus you are attending, if an emergency involves imminent risk to yourself or someone else,
immediately contact Student Counseling, University Police, or 911.
For more information, please see Student Counseling
Additional FREE mental health services available to UNG students: Call the free 24/7/365 UWill Support Line at
833-910-3368 for in-the-moment support for mental health issues. No-cost telehealth and in-person treatment
sessions provided by a network of licensed clinicians.
Student Accessibility Services
UNG is committed to providing an inclusive and supportive learning environment, and promoting the principle of
individual rights and responsibilities for all students. As a resource and an advocate for students with disabilities,
Student Accessibility Services staff works to provide equal educational opportunities by promoting academic,
social, and physical access.
For more information, please see Student Accessibility Services
Student Health Services
Student Health Services exists to advance the health of students at the University of North Georgia by providing
services that include evaluation and treatment for minor acute illnesses and/or injuries, women’s and men’s clinic
examinations, and testing. Chronic illnesses are not treated at Student Health. These services are provided to all
UNG students who pay the student health fee. Appointments can be made by calling Student Health Services,
Dahlonega Campus, 706-864-1948 or Gainesville Campus, 678-696-3676. Appointments can also be made online
with e Patient Portal located on the Student Health website.
For more information, please see Student Health Services
The University of North Georgia’s (UNG) Testing Centers are dedicated to providing professional testing
environment for the campus and community which enables test takers to perform at their maximum ability. In
order to provide professional standards in testing services that reflect positively on the University and community,
our testing centers maintain memberships with the Georgia College Testing Association (GCTA) and adheres to
standards and guidelines set forth by the National College Testing Association (NCTA). We provide services to assist
students, faculty, staff, and the community in maintaining UNG’s goal of academic excellence and leadership.
For more information, please see Testing
Tutoring Services
UNG Tutoring Services provides currently enrolled students with complimentary and comprehensive tutoring in a
variety of subjects. Tutoring Services is dedicated to promoting and fostering independent learning and thinking to
improve confidence in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Our friendly and knowledgeable tutors are committed to
providing academic support through developing studying skills and test taking strategies and through bridging the
learning gap between in-class work and homework. Tutoring is provided by peer and/or professional tutors on the
Blue Ridge, Cumming, Dahlonega, Gainesville, and Oconee campuses and online for all campuses. Conferences are
available in either one-on-one or group sessions, on both an appointment and drop-in basis.
For more information, please see Tutoring
UNG Alert
The University will immediately notify the campus community if a significant emergency or dangerous situation
involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, faculty, staff or visitors occurring on any campus.
In those instances, the University will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community,
determine the content of the notification and activate the emergency alert system, commonly known as UNG
UNG Alert is the primary emergency messaging system that delivers text messages, voice calls, e-mails, and
desktop computer alerts directly to your cell phone, if registered in the system, or desktop computer in the event
of severe weather, campus emergency, emergency evacuation, or other campus emergency.
Students, faculty, and staff must manually register their cell phone number(s) in the UNG Alert system within
Banner to receive text message alerts and phone calls. Users that utilize the LiveSafe app will receive alerts
through the app as well.
UNG Alert will only be used in the event of severe weather, a campus emergency, or other situation in which the
University believe your wellbeing may be in danger and some type of action is required of you. The system is not
used for routine communications.
UNG Bookstore
The University offers bookstore locations at all campuses except Blue Ridge and Cumming. At the UNG Bookstore,
students can find textbooks, school supplies, UNG apparel, and much more!
Bookstore operating hours vary by campus and time of year. For more information, please see Bookstore.
UNG Military Store
Located below the UNG Bookstore in Dahlonega is the Military Clothing and Sales store where cadets may
purchase their uniforms and accessories. Operating hours vary depending on time of year. For more information
please contact Elisha Blackford at 706-864-1537 or at
UNG Food Pantries
The UNG Food Pantries will provide perishable and non-perishable food items and basic supplies to food insecure
students, staff, and faculty in need. The pantry is not a university funded service. The services are financed
through year-round charitable fundraising events. Most of the food is from donations. Products offered are
dependent on their availability, as well as our financial situation. The pantry tries to provide as much variety as
possible while still maintaining cost limitations and providing for the basic needs for those who need assistance.
For more information, please see the food pantry website
University Police
The University of North Georgia Police Department is a certified, state police agency. The University of North
Georgia Police Department is one of only 140 law enforcement agencies certified by the Georgia Association of
Chiefs of Police, 2023. University police officers are authorized to make arrests for violations of state law, city
and/or county ordinances, obtain and execute search warrants, and enforce traffic laws. The jurisdiction of the
UNG Police as defined by Georgia law is public or private property under control of the Board of Regents plus 500
yards around such property.
The UNG Police Department has a strong working relationship with neighboring jurisdictions. On a regular basis,
the departments share information and equipment, assist with investigations, and provides patrol assistance when
The Department provides a full range of police and ministerial services 24-hours a day, seven days a week on the
Dahlonega and Gainesville Campus. On the Blue Ridge, Cumming, and Oconee Campus, officers are on-duty during
normal campus hours and has agreements with the surrounding law enforcement agencies to provide services as
For more information, please see University Police
Co-Curricular Experiences and Opportunities
The University of North Georgia provides students the opportunity to develop not only academically, but also
outside of the classroom. The Office of Student Involvement coordinates many of these experiences to enhance
your development as a whole person and offer you the change to practice and test ideas gained in the classroom.
Fraternity & Sorority Life
The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life is dedicated to the development of the fraternity and sorority community
through close collaboration with the University community, International/National organizations, and community
partners to provide educational programs, services, and resources for the our ever-growing, multi-campus
fraternity and sorority community.
If you’re looking for a way to meet tons of new people and have some fun, check out the fraternity and sorority
recruitment process that takes place at the beginning of fall semester. Going through recruitment in no way
requires you to join an organization, but offers you the opportunity to see what our sororities and fraternities have
to offer. Members of fraternities and sororities at UNG pride themselves on being different. Take a closer look and
see if this is what your college career is missing.
For more information, please see Fraternity & Sorority Life
Student Leadership Programs and Community Engagement
At the University of North Georgia, we are committed to helping each UNG student expand their capacity as a
student and a leader. With a unique designation as a University System of Georgia State Leadership Institution, you
will experience a culture of academic excellence in a student-focused environment committed to your engagement
as a leader in the UNG community. Through UNG Leadership Programs you will gain broad access to academic and
co-curricular programs that develop you into a leader for a diverse society. With experiences ranging from 1:1
faculty mentoring, resume-building experiences, and student leadership opportunities, UNG students have
multiple pathways to actively develop their leadership awareness and skills. UNG students lead in student
organizations, in the classroom, in the community, in their professional fields, and all around the world. Students
are also leaders in their community. Through community engagement efforts such as making an impact by
volunteering, connecting themselves to the community, becoming an active participant educational experiences
like Alternative Breaks students can foster a culture of community engagement that enrich their learning and
address critical societal issues that contribute to the public good. You can find leadership programs and community
engagement efforts representative on the Dahlonega, Gainesville, and Oconee campuses.
For more information, please see Leadership Programs
Campus Recreation & Wellness
The Campus Recreation & Wellness Department at the University of North Georgia provides an opportunity for all
students to participate in a wide variety of activities that includes intramural sports, outdoor pursuits, sport clubs,
group exercise classes, and various fitness and wellness programs. The mission of Campus Recreation & Wellness is
to influence the health and well-being of the UNG campus community. Our comprehensive recreation and
wellness facilities and programs provide opportunities for all campus members to participate, experience, and
understand how the dimensions of wellness contribute to their overall health and wellbeing.
Campus Recreation & Wellness programming and facilities are available for students across all campuses if all
applicable campus student fees have been paid.
For more information, please see Campus Recreation & Wellness
Student Involvement
The Office of Student Involvement contributes to student success in college and beyond by providing a variety of
supportive programs (cultural, educational, recreational, and social), promoting leadership among students, and
working with student organizations. On each one of our campuses you will find activities, events, and
organizations tailored to the needs and interests of students on that campus.
For more information, please see Student Involvement
For a complete list of Student Organizations, please see UNG Connect.
Where to Go Whom to See
Below you will find information about various resources for students. All physical locations are listed for this
resource by campus. If no physical location exists for your campus, please contact any of the locations listed.
Academic Information
Academic Advising
BLR- Room 111, 706-946-5465
CMG- Room 242, 470-239-3104; advising-cm[email protected]
DAH- 162 Stewart Center, 706-864-1402;
GVL- 134 Student Center, 678-717-3791;
OCN- 202 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6365;
Adding/Dropping a Course
Nighthawks Registration;
BLR- Front Desk, 706-946-1760, registrar-[email protected]du
CMG- Room 146, 470-239-3105; registrar-cm[email protected]
DAH- 320 Chestatee Bldg., 706-864-1760; registrar-[email protected]
GVL- 250 Student Center, 678-717-3644;
OCN- Front Desk, Administration Bldg., 706-310-6226;
Class Absences
See your Instructor(s) or Refer to the course syllabus.
Excused Absence Notice
Dean of Students
DAH/BLR- 365 Stewart Center, 706-864-1900
GVL/CMG- 201 Student Center, 678-717-3877
OCN/Online- 113 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6205
Attendance Regulations
UNG Undergraduate Catalog
UNG Graduate Catalog
Auditing a Class
BLR- Front Desk, 706-946-1760, registrar-[email protected]du
CMG- Room 146, 470-239-3105; registrar-cm[email protected]
DAH- 320 Chestatee Bldg., 706-864-1760; registrar-[email protected]
GVL- 250 Student Center, 678-717-3644;
OCN- Front Desk, Administration Bldg., 706-310-6226;
Change of Degree/Major/Campus
Online-Banner Web
Honors Program
International Student Services
Center for Global Engagement
DAH- Stewart 269, 706-867-2858
GVL- 175 Strickland Bldg., 678-717-2347
Service Learning
Academic Engagement
Academic Information
Student Research
Undergraduate Research: Center for Undergraduate Research
and Creative Activities [email protected]
DAH- 108A Dunlap Hall
GVL- 111 Administration Bldg.
Study Abroad
Center for Global Engagement
DAH- Stewart 269, 706-867-2858
GVL- 175 Strickland Bldg., 678-717-2347
Testing Office
BLR- Front Desk, 706-946-5460,
DAH- 203 Stewart Center, 706-864-1799, testing-[email protected]
GVL- College Square, Suite 176 (off campus), 678-717-3863,
Virtual- 706-310-6308,
Online Banner Web;
BLR- Front Desk, 706-864-1760, registrar-[email protected]
CMG- Room 146, 470-239-3105; registrar-cm[email protected]
DAH- 320 Chestatee Bldg., 706-864-1760; registrar-[email protected]
GVL- 250 Student Center, 678-717-3644;
OCN- Front Desk, Administration Bldg., 706-310-6226; registrar-
Transfer Credits
Online Banner Web;
BLR- Front Desk, 706-864-1760, registrar-[email protected]
CMG- Room 146, 470-239-3105; registrar-cm[email protected]
DAH- 320 Chestatee Bldg., 706-864-1760; registrar-[email protected]
GVL- 250 Student Center, 678-717-3644;
OCN- Front Desk, Administration Bldg., 706-310-6226;
Transient Permission
Online Banner Web;
BLR- Front Desk, 706-864-1760, registrar-[email protected]
CMG- Room 146, 470-239-3105; registrar-cm[email protected]
DAH- 320 Chestatee Bldg., 706-864-1760; registrar-[email protected]
GVL- 250 Student Center, 678-717-3644;
OCN- Front Desk, Administration Bldg., 706-310-6226; registrar-
Online Banner Web;
BLR- Front Desk, 706-864-1760, registrar-[email protected]
CMG- Room 146, 470-239-3105; registrar-cm[email protected]
DAH- 320 Chestatee Bldg., 706-864-1760; registrar-[email protected]
GVL- 250 Student Center, 678-717-3644;
OCN- Front Desk, Administration Bldg., 706-310-6226; registrar-
Hardship Withdrawal
Dean of Students
DAH/BLR- 365 Stewart Center, 706-864-1900
GVL/CMG- 201 Student Center, 678-717-3877
OCN/Online- 113 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6205
Academic Assistance
Corps Academic Coordinator
DAH- 105 Military Leadership Center, 706-867-3066
eCore Registration Assistance
DAH- 3
Floor Library Technology Center, 706-867-4474;
IT Service Desk;
Call: 706-864-1922 TEXT: 706-250-1922
BLR- Room 144
CMG- Room 253
DAH- 164 Library Technology Center
GVL- ACTT Center, 155 Watkins Bldg.
OCN- 207 Computer Lab
Language Lab
DAH- 317 Dunlap Hall, 706-864-1682, languagelab-[email protected]
GVL- 4201 Nesbitt, 678-717-3868,
OCN- 573 Student Resource Center, 706-310-6296, languagelab-
Language Placement & Advising
DAH- 317 Dunlap Hall, 706-864-1682, languagelab-[email protected]
GVL- 4201 Nesbitt, 678-717-3868,
OCN- 573 Student Resource Center, 706-310-6296,
Tutoring (Academic Skill Center)
tutorin[email protected]u, 678-717-3766
BLR- Room 111
CMG- Student Resource Center 2
DAH- 110 Library Technology Center
GVL- 2103 Nesbitt Building
OCN- 583 Student Resource Center
Writing Center
tutorin[email protected]u, 678-717-3766
BLR- Room 111
CMG- Student Resource Center 2
DAH- 110 Library Technology Center
GVL- 2103 Nesbitt Building
OCN- 583 Student Resource Center
Cadet Admissions
340 Chestatee Building, 706-867-2918 or 888-413-9366,
Undergraduate Admissions
BLR- Room 102, 706-946-5462, admissions-[email protected]du
CMG- Room 146, 470-239-3105, admissions-[email protected]u
DAH- 360 Chestatee Bldg., 706-867-1800,
admissions-[email protected]du
GVL- 208 Student Center, 678-717-3641,
admissions-[email protected]u
OCN- 108 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6201,
admissions-[email protected]du
Graduate Admissions
379 Chestatee Building, 706-864-1543, [email protected]
Graduation Information
To Apply
BLR- Front Desk, 706-864-1760, registrar-[email protected]
CMG- Room 146, 470-239-3105; registrar-cm[email protected]
Graduation Information
DAH- 320 Chestatee Bldg., 706-864-1760; registrar-[email protected]
GVL- 250 Student Center, 678-717-3644;
OCN- Front Desk, Administration Bldg., 706-310-6226; registrar-
Caps & Gowns
Barnes & Noble College Bookstore
DAH- Suite 200 Campus Commons, 706-864-1635
GVL- Student Center, 678-717-3636
OCN- 700 Faculty Center, 706-310-6210
Honor Stoles
Military Information
Military Science Department (ROTC)
103 Military Leadership Center; 706-864-1781 or 706-864-1449
Corps of Cadets
Commandant of Cadets, 102A Military Leadership Center,
Uniform and Accessories
Military Clothing & Sales, 1
floor of Chestatee Building,
Veteran and Adult Learner Programs, 706-864-1010
DAH- Hoag Student Center, Room 319 & 320
GVL- Dunlap-Mathis, Room 119 & 302
OCN- Room 723
Student Engagement and Success
Career Services
DAH- 333 Stewart Center, 706-864-1951,
careerservices-[email protected]du
GVL- 346 Student Center, 678-717-3964,
OCN- 108 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6310
careerservices-[email protected]
Student Counseling
CMG- Room 238, 470-239-3134
DAH- 246 Stewart Center, 706-864-1819
GVL- 115 Student Center, 678-717-3660
OCN- 110 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6205
Dean of Students
DAH/BLR- 365 Stewart Center, 706-864-1900
GVL/CMG- 201 Student Center, 678-717-3877
OCN/Online- 113 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6205
Student Accessibility Services
BLR- 706-867-2782, accessibility-[email protected]
CMG- 706-867-2782, accessibility-cm[email protected]
DAH- 706-867-2782, accessibility-[email protected]du
GVL- 678-717-3855,
OCN- 706-310-6204, accessibility-[email protected]
Financial Aid (and Veteran’s Educational
Benefits), 706-864-1412
CMG- Room 145
DAH- 308 Stewart Center
GVL- 234 Student Center
OCN- Information Desk, Administration Bldg.
Fraternities & Sororities
DAH- Office of Student Involvement, 4
Floor, Hoag Student
Center,, 706-867-2750
Student Engagement and Success
Health Concerns (Student Health
DAH- 100 Chestatee Building, 706-864-1948,
GVL- Building 23, 678-696-2676,
Housing Information
Residence Life (non-cadet housing), 361 Stewart Center, 706-864-1902
Corps of Cadets (military housing),, 706-
Intramural Sports
DAH- Recreation Center, 706-864-1458
GVL- 162 Hugh Mills PE Complex, 678-717-3485
OCN- 508 Student Resource Center
Lost and Found
BLR- Information Desk, 706-946-5460
CMG- Information Desk, 470-239-3132
DAH- 4
Floor Hoag Student Center, 706-864-1643
GVL- 303 Student Center, 678-717-3622
OCN- 112 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6205
Multicultural Student Affairs
DAH- 104 Hoag Student Center, 706-867-2720
GVL- 145 Student Center, 678-717-3654
OCN- 508 Student Resource Center, 706-310-6250
Nighthawks Entertainment
DAH- Office of Student Involvement, 4
Floor, Hoag Student
Center, 706-864-1643
GVL- 303 Student Center, 678-717-3622
OCN- 508 Student Resource Center, 706-310-6250
Nighthawk Engagement & Student
Transitions (NEST)
DAH/BLR- 302 Stewart Center
GVL/CMG- 303 GVL Student Center
OCN- 723 Bishop Wellness Hall
Recreation (Fitness, Aquatics, Outdoor
Pursuits, and Sport Clubs)
DAH- Recreation Center, 706-864-1458
GVL- 162 Hugh Mills PE Complex, 678-717-3485
Residence Policy Waivers
Dean of Students, 365 Stewart Center, 706-864-1900
Commandant of Cadets, 102 Military Leadership Center, 706-
Student Government Association
CMG- Room 234, 470-695-4718
DAH- Office of Student Involvement, 4
Floor, Hoag Student
Center, 706-864-1643
GVL- 326 Student Center, 678-717-3622
OCN- 508 Student Resource Center, 706-310-6250
Student Leadership Programs
DAH- Office of Student Involvement, 4th Floor, Hoag Student
Center, 706-864-1643
GVL- 303 Student Center, 678-717-3622
OCN- 508 Student Resource Center, 706-310-6250
Student Organizations
DAH- Office of Student Involvement, 4
Floor, Hoag Student
Center, 706-864-1643
GVL- 303 Student Center, 678-717-3622
OCN- 508 Student Resource Center, 706-310-6250
Veteran & Adult Learner Programs
DAH- 302 Stewart Center
GVL- 309 Student Center
Student Engagement and Success
Volunteerism & Community Services
DAH- Office of Student Involvement, 4th Floor, Hoag Student
Center, 706-864-1643
GVL- 303 Student Center, 678-717-3622
OCN- 508 Student Resource Center, 706-310-6250
Student Resources
Alumni Relations
DAH- Alumni Relations & Annual Giving, 70 Alumni Drive,
DAH- 111 Memorial Hall, 706-867-3212
Books and Supplies (Barnes & Noble
College Bookstore)
Barnes & Noble College Bookstore
DAH- Suite 200 Campus Commons, 706-864-1635
GVL- Student Center, 678-717-3636
OCN- 700 Faculty Center, 706-310-6210
Business Office (all fee payments)
CMG- Room 141, 470-239-3133
DAH- 203 Downtown Office Building, 706-864-1409
GVL- 155 Administration Bldg., 678-717-3780
OCN- 103 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6244
Card Services
BLR- Front Desk, 706-946-5460
CMG- First Floor Service Desk, 470-239-3132
DAH- 312 Hoag Student Center, 706-864-1404
GVL- 326 Student Center, 678-717-3914
OCN- Service Desk, 470-239-3132
Food Pantry
Contact Carly Redding for campus-specific information
Parking Permits/Vehicle Registration
Parking Services
BLR- 706-864-1697
CMG- 706-864-1697
DAH- 706-864-1697
GVL- 678-717-3914
OCN- 706-310-6264
Parking Ticket Appeals
Online Parking Services
Post Office
DAH- 206 Hoag Student Center, 706-864-1634
Student Counseling
CMG- Room 238, 470-239-3134
DAH & BLR- 246 Stewart Center, 706-864-1819
GVL- 115 Student Center, 678-717-3660
OCN- 110 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6205
Title IX Reports (Sexual Assault /
Harassment/ Relationship Violence)
Title IX Coordinator
111 Downtown Office Building, 706-867-4560
University Police
BLR- 911 then 706-864-1500
CMG- Room 240, 706-864-1500
DAH- 246 S. Chestatee Street, 706-864-1500
GVL- Building 14, 706-864-1500
OCN- Building 900, 706-864-1500
When You Don’t Know Where Else to Go
Student Ombudsman (confidential)
DAH- Dr. Elizabeth Combier, 303A Dunlap Hall, 706-867-2811,
Student Resources
GVL- Emily Cook, 2128 Nesbitt Building, 678-717-3476,
StudentOmbuds_Gaine[email protected]du
OCN- Veronica Walker, 551 Student Resource Center, 706-310-
Dean of Students (non-confidential)
DAH/BLR- 365 Stewart Center, 706-864-1900
GVL/CMG- 201 Student Center, 678-717-3877
OCN- 113 Administration Bldg., 706-310-6205