Reading and Math for K-5 ©
Addition and subtraction word problems
Grade 2 Word Problems Worksheet
1. On the first day of the week, Pat had 139 stickers.
Pat earned 22 more during the week. How many
stickers did Pat have at the end of the week?
2. Kelly had 56 apples. How many more apples
does Kelly need to pick to have 105 apples
3. Todd has some gum. Steve gave him 16 more
pieces of gum and 4 chocolate bars. Now Todd
has 54 pieces of gum. How many pieces of
gum did Todd have to start with?
Reading and Math for K-5 ©
4. Josh had 142 pencils. He gave 31 pencils to
Dorothy. How many pencils does Josh have left?
5. Nell collects baseball cards. She had 304 cards.
She gave some of her cards to Jeff and now has
276 cards left. How many cards did Nell give to
6. Sarah had some trucks. She gave 13 to Jeff and 4
to Robert, and now she has 38 trucks left. How
many trucks did Sarah have to start with?
7. There are 40 boys and some girls on the
playground. There are 117 children altogether.
How many girls are on the playground?
Reading and Math for K-5 ©
1. 139 + 22 = 61
Pat had 161 stickers at the end of the week.
2. 105 56 = 49
Kelly needs to pick 49 more apples.
3. 54 16 = 38
Todd had 38 pieces of gum to start with.
4. 142 31 = 111
Josh has 111 pencils left.
5. 304 276 = 28
Nell gave Jeff 28 cards.
6. 38 + 13 + 4 = 55
Sarah had 55 trucks to start with.
7. 117 40 = 77
There are 77 girls on the playground.